November 16th 2021: TAUDoS first face-to-face meeting
In Saint-Etienne and on-line

- 10h: Distillation of Probabilistic Automata using a clustering algorithm (Sri Kalidindi, UJM - slides)
- 10h30: Tutorial on optimal transport and its potential use for the distillation of automata (Marc Sebban - guest star: Rémi Emonet, UJM - Marc's tutorial, Rémi's slides)
- 12h30: Lunch break
- 14h: Impact of the qualibration on the interpretability of CNNs (Grégory Scafarto, Antoine Bonnefoy, EURA NOVA)
- 14h30 Learning Stochastic Majority Votes by Minimizing a PAC-Bayes Generalization Bound (Paul Viallard, UJM - NeurIPS paper)
- 15h: Spectral RNN (Maude Lizaire, UdM)
- 15h30: Break
- 16h: A tour on interpretability using neural nets with memory (Hamed Benazha, AMU - slides)
- 16h30: Active manifold and adversarial examples for image classification (Volodimir Mitarchuk, UJM)