April 13th 2021: TAUDoS Kickoff
The kickoff was held on-line

- 14h: Presentation of the submitted project (Rémi Eyraud, UJM) (slides)
- 14h15: State of the art on the interpretability of Neural Nets on sequential data (Adrien Sinnaeve, AMU)
- 14h45: Tensor Networks, RNN, Weighted Automata (Guillaume Rabusseau, U. Montréal) (slides)
- 15h45:Explicability and Calibration (Antoine Bonnefoy, EURA NOVA)
- 16h30: Sur les questions de distances entre distributions (Reda Marzouk, U. Nantes) (slides)
- 17h: Discussions (science, toolbox, workshop, next meetings, etc.)
- 18h: End of the kikoff (and virtual beers)